Trying to get my health back. Keto is the life for me.

Archive for June, 2013

Medifast Banana Bread muffins

I love bread and banana’s, there I said it.  I love them when they are in one thing, like banana bread!  I can’t have bread, but I can have a replacement.  I came up with my version of Banana bread muffins using my Medifast meals.  This makes 6 jumbo muffins which is 6 medifast meals.  I store them in zipper baggies in my deep freeze and take them out as needed or wanted.  Then I toast them in my little toaster over and top with either butter spray, low fat cream cheese or Laughing Cow Light cream cheese.  I only use one wedge for both half’s.  I do add additional ingredients so if you are following the Medifast diet make sure to count your condiments and the partial lean for the Egg Beaters.  here is the recipe and directions.


  • 1  meal  Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
  • 1  meal  Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
  • 1  meal  Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
  • 1  meal  Banana Pudding
  • 1  meal  Banana Pudding
  • 1  meal  Banana Pudding
  • 12  tbsp  Egg Substitute, Egg Beaters
  • 1 1/4  cup  Water
  • 3  tsp  Baking Powder
  • 6  tsp  Flax Meal (ground)


1. Mix dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients. 
2. Mix very well, let sit for 5 minutes, then spoon into lightly sprayed muffin tin making sure they are even. 
3. Tap pan a few times to help batter settle. 
4. Put in oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 
5. Allow muffins to cool in pan for 5-10 minutes. Remove from pan after 30 minutes and cool completely on a cooling rack. 

Per serving counts as 1 Medifast Meal, 1/2 ounce of protein and 1-1/2 condiments.

Nutrition information per serving

  • Calories 133
  • Protein(g) 16
  • Carbohydrates(g) 16.9
  • Fat(g) 2.4
Muffins cooling
ImageAnd I have big hands!

I have lost a bit of weight!

I have now been on Medifast for seven weeks.  I started this journey with Medifast weighing it at a grand total of, 250 pounds on my tall 5’10” frame.  I have lost a total of 30 pounds, that is an average of over 4 pounds a week.  The first week I lost six pounds.

Medifast is not a forever plan, once you either reach 20 to 15 pounds before your goal weight, or hit a plateau for over two weeks you transition.  Which my friends is where I have failed many times before.  I have over the course of my 50 almost 51 years tried many diets and have succeeded in the weight loss but failed in maintaining my losses.  The reason why, I get careless and I have some underlying medical issues and physical issues that keep me from exercising and keep my metabolism at a dead stand still.

My plan as long as we can afford it is to stay on Medifast until I hit goal, then do a correct transition to a Paleo life style.  I would be lying if I said I will never eat processed foods or “junk” again!  Lying to myself as well as you and well I am not going to do that.

Next Wednesday I turn 51 years young and I am going to let my husband take me to dinner with a few friends.  I will enjoy myself and the following day pick up right where I left off.  Will I feel guilty? Not a chance.  Will my scale let me know?  Of course it will.  The main thing is I will not dwell on it nor let it throw me off track for the week, month, year or anything else.

I have a new book and plan to get a few more nutrition based books.  I will be posting from time to time my recipes and other fellow Medifasters recipes as well.  I hope to help people along my journey and if ever you have any questions about Medifast I will answer them or send you to someone who can.


Life changes, we adapt and Medifast.

 I have been going through some things and I have had to change my course.  I will be back to Paleo life, but I had to loose weight in a fast and safe way.  Slam me if you want, that is fine by me.  In the last five weeks I have lost a total of twenty six pounds.  I have been doing Medifast.  I know it is not ideal, but I could not take the chance or the time to heal my body and then loose weight.  I was really starting to get fatter!!  I won’t sugar coat it, I’m fat and was headed to diabetes, stroke or heart attack city and I really didn’t want to visit any of those places!!  So the plan is to loose weight and then go back to Paleo to heal my body the rest of the way.  I will be posting about my success and road blocks and those of you that would like to stick around, please do.  I will be posting recipes for Medifast.  Some will be what is called my lean and green and some will be using Medifast products.


Paleo in PDX

Living, moving & eating well in Portland, Oregon