Trying to get my health back. Keto is the life for me.

Posts tagged ‘coffee’

What’s all the hoo ha about Bullet proof coffee?

I know every morning when I get up I have a cup of coffee.  I am on the wagon of bullet proof coffee and I’m riding it as long as I can.

It has helped me break the sugar cycle, or honey in my coffee.  There have been days that it kept me full until late in the afternoon.  It does  give me energy and my mind seems to be a little more clear.  I use what is available to me locally and even though I’d love to try the bullet proof coffee and MCT oil from the actual web site, I really can not justify the cost on my limited budget.  Here is the link to the original recipe and on the web site you can purchase the coffee beans and MCT oil, as well as a few other items.

Here is the pictures of my version and the products I use.

ImageMy bullet proof coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

ImageUnsalted grass fed cow’s milk butter.

ImageCoconut  oil, aka. MCT oil


ImageLocal roaster, small batch roasted coffee beans.

I love going to get my beans, I get them fresh every two weeks.


21 DSD Day 5, still hanging on!

I haven’t really noticed anything different, no major mood swings, no carb flu, no break outs.  I do tend to not be as hungry as I was.  What I did notice is when I finally do get hungry I am HANGRY, ( hungry and angry) and a little, okay a lot mean.  I tend to get caught up in what I’m doing and since I don’t get little hunger pains, when I am hungry it’s really late.  

I have my bullet proof coffee every morning one hour after I take my thyroid medication.  Which has been 16 ounces of hot coffee 2 TBS unsalted Kerry Gold butter, 2 TBS Raw cream and either cinnamon or cacao powder.  Today just plain, no added spices.   I will usually have some breakfast around 10:00 to 11:00 which I have been on a smoothie kick lately.  I have pictures and will list ingredients.  Then I get errands and chores done.  The last week almost two, that has included taking care of a sick husband and some really fun dogs I have been dog sitting.  I have been letting my time management skills go to the dogs!  I have been having a lot of fun playing and loving on these three sweet pups and time has just swooshed by.  I’m going to miss my daily visits with them!  Then after playing with the bff’s gang, I have to show my own rotten children extra love, because they can smell that I have been cheating on them.  I notice wow, it sure seems late.  And that’s when it hits.  It’s 8:00 p.m. and I need to eat before I start gnawing on my own leg.  I muster up the umph to cook myself some dinner.  Let me tell you my inner brat is screaming, just go to Chipotle and get food!  I even heard the call of McDonald’s and I can’t eat McDonald’s without getting very, very sick.  But the lazy brat in me doesn’t seem to care.  I usually shut that little bad girl up by nibbling on a 1 ounce piece of grass fed cheese while I throw dinner together.  Because believe it or not, throwing together some real food and cooking it is a lot faster than, getting in your car, driving to what ever bad for you and expensive drive through you can get to is.  

I will admit, I don’t know if I will be posting every day or every other day like I said I was going to try to.  Life is full of surprises and sometimes we all just get busy.  I am making myself take pictures of most if not all of my meals.  That is what helps keep me accountable and reminds me of what is good and not so good.  Okay, here comes the pictures of food I ate for day 5.

Image2 eggs fried in bacon grease and my now favorite smoothie Coco Monkey Smoothie.  The recipe is in the 21 DSD book.

here’s how it looks going together.

ImageAvocado and frozen green tipped banana.

ImageAlmond milk, cacao, Almond flour and cinnamon.

ImageGrass fed ground beef stir fry.  Fast easy and leaves a lot of left overs.

1 cup snow peas

1 pound grass fed ground beef

1 cup sliced mushrooms

3 cups Tri-colored coleslaw mix

1/4 cup finely diced white onion

granulated garlic

black pepper

sea salt

Red Boat Fish sauce

Coconut Aminos

brown beef until almost done, just a little pink left, then add the rest of the ingredients.  Cook until ground beef is done, no longer pink.  Continue to cook until vegetables are crisp tender or however you prefer them.  Drain off excess water from vegetables and add Coconut Aminos and Fish Sauce.

Imageeasy peasy fast quick and in a hurry stir fry.

ImageDinner was left overs and a epic steamed Artichoke served with garlic butter for dipping.


Paleo in PDX

Living, moving & eating well in Portland, Oregon